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Monday, November 4, 2013

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips That Work

1. Exercise

This should obviously be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of how to lose weight. Exercise has been proven effective since the days of cavemen. Anytime you challenge your body in a workout you are going to get results that you like. The thing is you have to stick to it even though it may seem hard at first. Remember the saying "no pain, no gain", it stands for something and it will help you succeed in your weight loss goals.

2. Supplements

Some people have problems losing weight and need to get help from supplements that are available on the market. These supplements are perfectly healthy and are actually made from plants that grow on the earth. No harsh chemicals and the side effects are nil to none compared to over the counter prescription pills. These weight loss supplements work WITH your body to help you lose weight and keep it off. The supplements are able to bind to fat and keep it out of your system. They also help reduce your appetite so you are not craving for food and binge eating. Give them a try if you are looking for some added help in weight loss.

3. Keep a Food Journal

You would be surprised how much you eat in a day if you wrote down everything. Sure you had a snack at 10 am but then you ate lunch in the afternoon. After you ate lunch you grabbed a snack from the vending machine, or maybe at lunch your co-worker couldn't finish their sandwich and you ate it. All these little things add up and will keep you from achieving your goal of losing weight. Keep a food journal and track what you eat. See what you eat and at what times so you can try and kick the habit of eating in between meals.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

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How Is HCG Hormone Connected to Weight Loss

HCG is a new diet fad that has swept across America. It involves injecting people with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.

HCG weight loss shots refer to injections of HCG taken to reduce weight. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and is a hormone produced by pregnant women. It is synthesized by the developing embryo and also by the placenta at a later stage and its function is to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum of the ovary. This is vital for pregnancy in humans. However, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is much in demand these days to lose weight.

Among the many diets and other weight loss trends out there in a world obsessed with losing weight, HCG weight loss shots are among the recent popular methods. People these days are willing to try anything for weight reduction, all kinds of weird and bizarre methods, liposuction, hormone therapy, stapling stomachs, strange chemical concoctions - nobody bothers to try out the most effective and proven method lose weight which is simply exercise and diet!

Nevertheless there is an industry for HCG weight loss and its proponents swear by its effectiveness and even claim that the effects are permanent. That means these shots will cause a general reduction in tendency to gain fat weight (fat, as opposed to lean muscle mass) - a trait that will stay with the person for life. It is claimed that healthy weight can be maintained even after returning to the "normal" routine. HCG shots can allegedly give you a weight reduction rate of more than a pound a day.

HCG weight loss shots are taken by people because some studies have claimed that genetics can sometimes act as roadblock towards losing weight. The body is programmed by genetics to stay at a certain weight, which might not be the ideal preferred weight of the individual, and the body militates against any efforts made to change this "pre-ordained" weight. According to British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons who developed HCG weight loss shots, subjects treated with low dose shots of HCG lost fat while retaining lean muscle because the HCG stimulates the hypothalamus to get rid of fat. In an embryo, this hormone promotes mobility in the developing fetus by getting rid of extra deposits of adipose (fat). This is the rationale behind HCG weight loss shots. This has also led to them being used as anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to Get Thin - Quick Weight Loss Tips to Help You Drop 20lbs Fast!

Everywhere you look you will find a different diet promoting something extraordinary and off the wall. Many diets will promise you that you can lose an enormous amount of weight extremely quickly with little to no effort. I'm here to tell you that many diets DO work, it's the motivation that lacks with most people which is why they coined the term, "Yo-Yo Dieter."

So what things can you actually do to lose the weight quickly? Let's go over an important point.

Research Your Diet Before You Do It.

Many people see the latest FAD diet and think it's going to be super easy. What most people don't take into effect is the amount of difficulty it takes to stick to some diets. Take Atkins for example, yeah you will lose a ton of weight when you start doing it, but what happens nearly every time? People get sick of meats and cheese and end up falling off the wagon, and then they end up EATING the wagon.

What you need to do is find a diet that works smarter rather than harder. At the end of the day it comes down to one thing, and that's calories in vs. calories out. There are a few techniques that are legitimate and do work great when using them on a continual basis. Calorie Shifting is one of them.

The best thing to do is to start thinking about your diet as a lifestyle, because nobody can stay on a diet for the rest of their lives. Everyone craves ice cream and fatty foods from time to time, so starting a diet that restricts these 100 percent of the time simply WON'T WORK. Remember, work smarter, not harder.

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Weight Loss Dietary Supplements

According to statistics, almost six out of ten Americans suffer from being overweight and are considered to be close to obesity. The rate of obesity is increasing every year, as most individuals are leading improper life styles and incorrect food habits. As a result, most individuals try to reduce obesity with the help of various weight loss products and dietary supplements available in the market. Individuals have started to look towards faster and often unnatural modes of weight loss techniques in the hope of instant results and overnight slimming down procedures. Some dietary supplements made out of natural ingredients and scientific processes and are professed an authentic and sure way of reducing weight. Their effectiveness and safety may not be vouched for.

Dietary supplements may include a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids or botanical plants and come in the form of an extract or concentration of all these ingredients. Dietary supplements are usually available in the form of pills, capsules, gel, liquid, or powder. Most food and medicines used for weight loss programs are scrutinized by FDA or Food and Drug Administration and certified fit for consumption. Safety of dietary supplements cannot be checked by FDA, due to which it remains a matter of concern while using these dietary supplements. FDA can put a ban on such dietary supplements only if a problem is reported after its usage. A supplement prepared from the herb ephedra, also known as ma huang or herbal fen-phen, was considered in 2003 to have caused the death of a famous baseball player. FDA pulled it out from the market post investigation as it came under suspicion.

According to researches, trying dietary supplements can be a risky procedure. Such experiments might have worse side effects instead of helping individuals to lose weight. Healthy and balanced diet complemented by regular physical exercises and reduced intake of high calorie foods could be a safer and better way to lose weight.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lose Fat Without Exercise - 3 Simple Weight Loss Tips That Work Outside the Gym - Don't Miss It!

Want to lose fat without exercise? Its definitely possible, but that means your eating habits will need to change dramatically. Here's a few tips on what to eat to lose weight without exercise.

• Stay Away From Sugary or Salty Foods

Your diet is your biggest weapon to lose weight, period. One way to destroy your diet is to eat all kinds of sugary and salty foods!

Some sugary foods are cookies, cake, soda, ice cream, and candy. Sugar does a lot of negative things towards the body, including energy spikes and a decreased metabolism.

Salty foods such as chips, fast food, and pretzels will make you retain water weight so you won't see results as fast.

• Stick With Veggies and Lean Meats

These are KEY to help you lose fat without exercise. The veggies give your body everything it needs- some protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also are light in calories but make you feel full.

The lean meat gives you some extra protein and fat- both help you lose weight.

Fruits and low-fat dairy foods are okay, but the best way to lose weight fast is just veggies and meat.

• Get More Sleep

This is another HUGE part of weight loss that people often overlook. We think that burning the midnight candle means we're burning more calories so we're losing weight, right?

The reality is that your body NEEDS sleep to lose extra weight. That's when your hormones are rebalanced and you are reenergized for the next day. Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep and you're doing pretty good.

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Fruit And Weight Loss - What You Need To Know

In order to succeed with your diet it is very important to focus on fruit and weight loss. Fruit is one of the healthiest foods available on the market today and is an essential addition to any program. Not only are they low in calories and high in fibre but they are rich in antioxidants which help to repair the body and fight disease.

The top fruits which should be included in your weight loss program include;

1. Grapefruit

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