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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Green Tea Weight Loss - Your Fastest Way to Lose That Extra Fat!

Do you know green tea weight loss program is becoming a hot trend to help people to control their body weight? Green tea has certainly been accepted and endorsed by many experts in the health industry that it can effectively help many people to control their appetite and thus decreasing their intake of food and assist them to lose weight.

There are a number of beneficial advantages of following green tea weight loss diet.

1. Intake of green tea is known to increase the metabolic rate of a human body. Respectively, the rate of calorie burning in a human body also increase. And naturally it has the thermogenic properties which can assist and promote the oxidation of extra fat.

2. The rich content of polyphenols found called catechins is effective in lowering the unwanted fat found in human body. In additional, it is proven to prevent the multiplication of fat cells and helps to reduce the enlargement of the fat cells.

3. A number of green tea weight loss studies have proven the derivative of the leaves called epigalloatechin gallate has the ability to suppress human appetite effectively.

4. It is well known and commonly used to be a coffee substitute. Both calories and caffeine level is low and acts as a diuretic to decrease the water weight of the human body at a great speed!

5. It helps to slow down the conversion of new fat in human body by reducing the processing speed of complex carbs in sugar.

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